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Byron Township Little League

Byron Township Little League

Byron Township Board of Directors
Voting Members

This board of directors is comprised of talented people that are VOLUNTEERING many hours to make little league a positive experience for the young athletes of Byron Township.

We are always seeking enthusiastic volunteers to better our program. If you would like to be considered for a position on our board or have an idea for a brand new position, please reach out via email! Voting position terms are one year long with the election happening at the end of September each year.

Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome, contact [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • Provide overall leadership to the board and ensure the effective operation of the league, including presiding over meetings and guiding discussions.

  • Develop and implement long-term strategies and goals for the league, working with other board members to plan and prioritize activities and improvements.

  • Act as the primary point of contact between the league and external stakeholders, such as local community groups, sponsors, and Little League International.

  • Ensure the league adheres to Little League regulations, local laws, and bylaws, including overseeing financial practices and maintaining accurate records.

  • Address and resolve conflicts or issues that arise within the league, and support coaches, players, and volunteers by providing guidance and resources.

  • Learn all aspects of the Board operations/positions so she/he can assist as needed with any position.

  • Work closely with Information Officer to ensure clear, accurate, timely, and consistent communication with members.

    Vice President
    [email protected]

    • Presides in the absence of the President

    • Works with board and committee members to complete tasks

    • Manage Board issues

    • Resolves league complaints when needed

    • Serve on All-Star committee

    [email protected]

  • Prepares, monitors, and presents the budget at board meetings.

  • Reconcile bank statements

  • Verify payroll with StackPay system.

  • Assists concession with deposits and comparing sales to deposits 

  • Enters all revenue and expenditures in QuickBooks.

  • Promptly pay invoices and reimburse board members for purchases made for league use.

  • Work with external accountant and president to file annual taxes.


[email protected]

  • Manage annual calendar and meeting notices/plans

  • Create and manage agendas/meeting minutes

  • Facilitate voting and record keeping

  • Manage/monitor by-laws and compliance with LLI SOPs

  • Facilitate board meetings

  • Assist information officer as needed

VP Operations and Facilities/Equipment
[email protected]

  • Maintain, inspect, repair, inventory, distribute and collect team equipment

  • Purchase team equipment, field materials and field equipment as needed

  • Review development of game schedule and monitor for changes

  • Work with Byron Township personnel to prepare ballfields based on game schedule and league field requirements daily

  • Prepare ballfields on weekends based on game schedule and tournament schedule

  • On call for field issues or corrections 

  • Monitor concession operation

  • Open and secure facilities as required.  Make repairs or improvements as needed

  • Maintain inventory and install as required:  sound systems, scoreboards, controllers

  • League liaison with Byron Township Recreation department


[email protected]

  • Coordinate with rostering and league assignments before and throughout  the season

  • Coordinate with Byron Township and VP of Facilities for field availability

  • Schedule three practices for each team prior to Opening Day.

  • Schedule games using league scheduling guidelines for the regular season.

  • Enter all practice, season, and playoff games in league season management program

  • Organize brackets and schedule league playoff games

  • Coordinate interleague playoff games with other leagues and District 9. Enter games in SportsEngine.

  • Respond to schedule and practice questions from coaches, parents, and other parties.


Coaching Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Identify, recruit, and evaluate potential coaches for the league, ensuring they meet the necessary qualifications and align with league standards.

  • Obtain all volunteer background checks in compliance with Little League International.

  • Organize and oversee coaching clinics and training sessions to enhance coaches' skills and knowledge, including updates on best practices and league guidelines.

  • Provide ongoing support and resources to coaches, addressing their needs, facilitating communication, and helping resolve any issues or challenges they face.

  • Monitor and assess coaching performance throughout the season, gather feedback from players and parents, and implement improvements or additional training as needed.


Information Officer
[email protected]

  • Website & Social Media Management

  • Manage the local league website and social media.

  • Make sure player’s agents have access and understanding in rostering the players correctly following registration and the drafts.

  • Update the website and social media channels regularly with updates and information.

  • League liaison with SportsConnect.

  • Add coach and board member permissions in the SportsConnect system with appropriate access.

  • Make sure the scores are updated in the system correctly, and if they are not, work to ensure accuracy.

  • Answer any questions for other board members regarding SportsConnect HQ.

Umpire in Chief
[email protected]

  • Prepare game schedule for umpires to claim games 

  • Oversee games are secure with umpires

  • Prepare payroll report for Treasurer

  • Oversee post-season tournament play umpire commitments 

  • Coordinate umpire training

  • Assist in unlocking/locking Whistlestop Youth

  • Support umpires with rules and regulations


Baseball Player's Agent
[email protected]

  • Act as the primary liaison between players, parents, and the league, addressing concerns and ensuring players’ needs and interests are communicated effectively.

  • Oversee player registration processes, ensure compliance with eligibility requirements, and manage player assignments and team placements.

  • Effectively execute evaluations for all draft-age players to aid in creating equal and fair teams.

  • Follow league guidelines to complete drafts in AA, AAA and Majors divisions. Determine if a draft is needed for 50/70, Juniors and Seniors if the divisions are available for play.

  • Place all softball/baseball players on correct rosters in the SportsEngine system.

  • Assist with player development initiatives, including organizing clinics, coordinating with coaches for player improvement, and providing resources for skill development.

  • Work with VP to handle any disputes or issues involving players, such as conflicts with teammates or coaching staff, ensuring fair and prompt resolution.

  • Serve on  All-Star committee.


Softball Player's Agent
[email protected]

  • Act as the primary liaison between players, parents, and the league, addressing concerns and ensuring players’ needs and interests are communicated effectively.

  • Oversee player registration processes, ensure compliance with eligibility requirements, and manage player assignments and team placements.

  • Effectively execute evaluations for all draft-age players to aid in creating equal and fair teams.

  • Follow league guidelines to complete drafts in AA, AAA (baseball only), and Majors divisions.

  • Place all softball/baseball players on correct rosters in the SportsEngine system.

  • Assist with player development initiatives, including organizing clinics, coordinating with coaches for player improvement, and providing resources for skill development.

  • Handle any disputes or issues involving players, such as conflicts with teammates or coaching staff, ensuring fair and prompt resolution.

  • Serve on  All-Star committee.


Safety Officer
[email protected]

  • Develop, implement, and monitor safety procedures and protocols to ensure a safe playing environment for all players, coaches, and volunteers.

  • Ensure that all safety regulations are in compliance with Little League standards and provide training and resources on safety practices to coaches, volunteers, and parents.

  • Oversee the response to any accidents or injuries, including maintaining records, reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities, and implementing corrective actions as needed.

  • Conduct regular safety inspections of facilities and equipment, identify potential hazards, and work on mitigating risks to prevent accidents and injuries.


Sponsorship Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Identify, approach, and secure new sponsors to support the league, including local businesses and community organizations.

  • Maintain and strengthen relationships with current sponsors.

  • Develop and manage sponsorship packages and benefits, including advertising opportunities, event participation, and promotional materials.

  • Work with vendors (signage and pictures).

  • Track sponsorship contributions, and provide regular reports on sponsorship revenue and effectiveness to the board.

Specialty Board Members
Non-Voting Members

Specialty board members are amazing and we could not operate without them. These commitments are typically only for part of the season. All monthly meetings are not mandatory, but attendance is always welcomed.

Please let us know if you are interested in one of these positions or serving on a committee to support them!
[email protected]

    Concessions Manager
    [email protected]
  • The Concessions Manager is responsible for the operation of three concession stands located at Bicentennial Park and Whistlestop Park.

  • The primary role is overseeing staff management, inventory, food quality, customer service, & sales maximization, while maintaining compliance with safety regulations and efficient operations during daily and weekend baseball/softball games.

  • The Concessions Manager will oversee all concession operations for weekday and weekend softball and baseball tournaments during the spring/summer/fall months (April – October).


Uniform Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Work closely with vendors within a budget to provide players with regular season uniforms and all-star uniforms.

  • Divide and distribute uniforms to teams prior to the season.

  • Create and maintain an accurate spreadsheet for submission to screen printing company.

  • Prompt communication is required between vendor and players/coaches if there are any uniform problems.


Umpire Assistant
[email protected]

  • Umpire coordinator is a big job and it is nice to have another board member specifically to support the Umpire Coordinator. 

  • This member should be very familiar with the rules of all divisions and aid umpires when there are problems.

  • Expected to be on site for support when available.

  • Additional liason between umpires, coaches, players and the board.

Under the Lights Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Form a UtL committee to help plan and execute this community event..

  • Work with sponsorship coordinator to secure additional UTL specific sponsorships.

  • Manage and execute a fair, player-driven election for AAA & Majors baseball teams and AA & Majors softball teams.

  • Coordinate with the UtL coaches (stafff from 1st and 2nd place in each division) to evenly divide the teams.

All-Star Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Serve on both softball and baseball All-star committees to help select the All-star head coaches for each division.

  • Create a list of correct league ages for each player in the league to use for in-season all-star player evaluations.

  • Observe players at least twice during the regular season – making accurate notes.

  • Work closely with VP, player agent and coach to determine the all-star rosters.

  • Verify that each player meets or exceeds all all-star player requirement

  • Communicate with president, District D president, all-star coaches, and umpire coordinator to verify schedule and daily updates.


Byron Township Little League
Byron Township Little League, PO Box 320
Byron Center, Michigan 49315

Email: [email protected]

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